- info@rural-communities.org
- Tel: +256 774 330373
This information will be emailed to the volunteer coordinator
I hereby certify that all information included in this application form is try and complete. I understand that incomplete applications will not be considered and that providing false information is grounds for immediate disqualifications from the application process or dismissal if the falsehood is discovered after hiring.
Please have your references complete the reference request forms. References will be contacted to verify information submitted. References must be individuals who have directly supervised your work in a paid work, volunteer work or scholastic situation.
Note: Personal information on this form will be used to maintain volunteer records, to make placements and compile mailing lists for fundraising events and newsletters. Questions regarding this collection of information can be forwarded to us through info@rural-communities.org
Integrated Rural Community Empowerment, (IRUCE) is an indigenous not for-profit Organization working with the rural communities to strengthen their potential to advocate for improved Livelihoods, Environment justice and reduction in Poverty Levels in the South West Uganda.
For the latest updates from IRUCE, please subscribe to our newsletter.